Stuck to UnStoppable:
1:1 coaching for the Creative Business Owner or Freelancer that’s wanting to overcome self-doubt and build the life they’ve glued to their vision board
Are you…
Avoiding your business because your goals feel too big, far away, and stupidly impossible?
Are you embarrassed every time someone asks how your lil website is going?
Are you dreaming of sell-out launches, booking big juicy brand collabs, getting paid for your creativity but have no idea how to actually get there?
You’re in the Right place because over here
we set big goAls
and we Achieve thEm
Know how to set a destination on a map and know exactly how to get there.
No overwhelm.
No more “but I just don’t know how”.
No more“I’m not sure if I’m good enough”
Clear. Straightforward. Repeatable successDispel the out dated notion of the starving artist and learn how to talk about your work with unshakeable confidence so you can connect with customers and clients
Learn how to be creative. Your way. And get paid.
Are you sick of feeling Stuck…
When you’re stuck in a rut in your biz sometimes you can’t quite put your finger on why things aren’t working. All you know is that you’re not reaching your potential and you’re closer to calling it quits than achieving anything you’ve put on your vision board
Overwhelmed with all the things you think you have to do. You’ve listened to all the online experts and though helpful, you’re more confused than inspired
Comparison and intense self-criticism stops you from doing anything. You come up with ideas to market your creativity only to have your inner critic shit on it, you’re wondering why you even started in the first place
Unable to advocate for your worth. You have no idea how to sell yourself. You have no idea why anyone should work with you - you know you’ve got skills but deep down you don’t think you’re worth the time or money
Unable to build the connections or community you need to support your business to thrive
Procrastinating and avoiding the tasks that really matter in your business. You’ve got some great ideas but they never make it out the notes app. You wish you had the confidence to to turn your ideas into a reality
Time to become Limitless
UnStoppable Creatives are unshakeable in the face of challenges and failures because they believe in themselves. confidence, you believe in yourself and your abilities.
You’ve quietened the inner critic in your head and now, the fear of failing doesn’t stop you from taking action. You do the thing. You show up to your business with an envious level of self-confidence
Clarity on your unique value which you know how to communicate to potential clients. The inner work you’ve done is translating to consistent sales in the bank
You know how to set and achieve strategic goals, every win brings you closer to that big bold vision that no longer feels like a distant dream, it’s well within reach
What we’ll cover in the only program you’ll need for your mindset and confidence
I grew up thinking that it was impossible to be black and successful. I’m not kidding. I would run around with a towel on my head, pretend it was my long blonde golden locks and wish I’d wake up as a white kid in my class called Emily. (BTW: This has nothing to do with Emily)
So when it came to wanting to be creative and successful, as a black woman it felt like a huge undertaking. An almost impossible task. But the truth is it wasn’t an accident that I was riddled with shame about my desire to live and work based on passion and not necessity. I didn’t fall over one day and decide that I wanted to believe ideas that eroded my self-confidence. But I did wake up and realised that everything that I thought to believe about myself and my future, was optional.
I went on a journey to prove that I could be successful in fashion, even though I was black and fat and looked nothing like how I was told I should. I started to talk openly about money on my podcast with other creatives I admired and it turned out we were all in some way or another doing the things we had been taught were impossible for people like us.
Since I started coaching, my clients have come from many different backgrounds and countries, some are mothers, carers or have ADHD. Some dropped out of university or didn’t go at all. No matter their starting point, in Stuck to UnStoppable they found a place where they could reclaim their right to take up space in a way they’d never been given permission to before.
This is an intersectional approach to self-development, so I won’t fix you (because you’re not broken). Inside this program, you won’t discover a magic potion to change your identity and be reborn with rich parents, but I will teach you how to own who you are and access the power hidden within the beautiful, yet challenging intersections of your identity.
When did Beyonce become, *sings Beyonce? Was it when she performed at the Superbowl? When she toured with Destiny’s Child? Or did she have to make the bold decision to decide who she was and what she was capable of when she was alone in her bedroom and no one knew her name? Would it have been worth it to her, to decide who she was even before she had the validation of her millions of listeners across the globe?
I teach my client how to process the fear, doubts, and worry that comes with showing up online.
There’s a method to being confident about your future and taking bold steps towards claiming it. Using what I call the Future Self Formula, you’ll learn how to communicate with that juicy “I’ve got to have what she’s having” energy! You don’t have to go and get a degree in photography or fashion or anything else, in order to start believing you’re worthy of taking up space. Right now. In your Perfect/more than enoughness messiness.
You’ll build new habits and routines to close the between where you are right now and where you want to be. Bye-Bye vicious inner critic. Hello, confidence and world domination.
This is the difference between wishing something would happen vs creating it. Contracts signed. *ping Shopify Notification. Cash collected. Using the 90-day goal process my clients have achieved 250 customers in 90 days, hit their £10,000 sales goal, secured branding design retainer clients, and negotiated £15,000 worth of creative contracts for their new creative business. Over here we set goals and we achieve them. We are unapologetic about our desire to sell our creativity. Whether you’re pursuing your creativity full-time or alongside your day job, we cut the overwhelming 4-mile-long to-do list, we show up and sell out. Big time.
Crafted through my experience as a fashion freelancer and working as part of a fast-growing start-up, the 90-day goal process encompasses clarifying your vision, time management, defining the features of your product or service, and generating a system to make those sales go kerching a ling a ling*
It’s one thing getting paid. It’s totally another delivering a service or product that people looooveee and tell everyone from the postman to their dentist about your business. For some creatives, this is where they have the most insecurity. Am I ripping people off? Do they like it? Stuck to UnStoppable attracts creatives who want to operate with integrity, offer services that help people, and do good for their customers and beyond. You’ll learn how to support your customers and clients to ensure they have the best experience, without sacrificing your boundaries or what you believe in.
Stuck to Unstoppable has supported many of the creatives that you look up to, to discover who the fuck they are.
“I lacked confidence and was stuck in a rut- joining this program is hands down the best decision I have ever made in my life
Gaining confidence from my experience with Kira has enabled me to do so many things - a sample sale, rebrand, a launch, to show up on Instagram, make reels including being in them (who'd have thought it! Not me!) double my social media following, hit my 250 customers sales goal and my business has grown so much”
Jess Cooke, Founder of Proper Vacant
The jUicy filled-to-the-brim
4 months x weekly coaching sessions
These sessions aren’t a “you can do it, sweetie” pep talk from your mate Sally. These are thought-provoking, mind-altering, belief-shaking sessions that get to the heart of your 4-year-long procrastination and shame spiral. We’ll break through upper limiting beliefs that have you stuck around money, showing up online and generating delighted customers. The weekly sessions will keep you accountable and taking action, as well as provide a space to get your biggest cock-blocking questions answered
Call recordings saved in easy access Dropbox file for on-demand watching
Keep the experience alive long after we’re done with the recording any time you need them. My clients love re-listening to the sessions while washing the dishes or on a walk. Think of it as a personalised podcast tailored to your biggest dreams. You’re welcome xx
Client Portal: stacked with how-to’s, workbooks and resources to support your product or service-based business
Get lifetime access to the 90-day goal process, the Future Self Formula, launch guides and more. You get access to any changes I make for as long as the program is running. I made these resources and I still go back to them time and time again when I’m working on the next goals that will move me forward. Stuck to UnStoppable is an investment filled with endless returns
Close the Gap: The 90-day Goal Ebook on how to smash any goal with step-by-step client case studies *coming soon
Once you understand the delicate science that goes into setting a goal and knocking it out of the park, you realise that winning is a repeatable habit that you can do in any area of your life. You’ll finish the program no longer being terrified by your goals but in the words of one of my clients “know how to achieve anything you want in life”
The 90-day goal process will transform the way you think of yourself and your goals forever.
I’ve used it on myself to create unbelievable results in my business
Created the Future Self 90-day journal which sold out not once, but twice.
Developed a partnership as an in-house coach for one of the fastest-growing skincare brands in the US
Hosted manifestation and confidence workshops with industry-leading brands such as Adidas, Sweaty Betty, Allbright, She’s Lost Control and even flew to New York to work with cult gen-z skincare brand, Topicals Skin.
And it’s the only process I’ve found to take the magic of manifestation and finally make it a simple and practical approach to achieving the vision you have for your creative business
Get excited to meet the most confident version of you!
Stuck to Unstoppable has supported many of the creatives that you look up to, to discover who the fuck they are.
Client success stories
“I've read many self-help books, listened to podcast and joined groups but for whatever reason, they didn't stick…my work with Kira was different”
I've read many self-help books, listened to podcast and joined groups but for whatever reason, they didn't stick. My work with Kira has etched a place in my heart that I feel confident will touch lifetimes of people who I cross paths with. She has a power and light that can't be bought or sold. Kira is truly one of one.
For anyone thinking of joining I’d tell them about the 6 year long season of life I experienced before working with Kira. And how pulling the plug to join this program changed me in 6 month period. The proof is in the pudding!
First and foremost, I achieved a greater sense of clarity, direction and conviction in myself- all things I'm not sure I would have arrived to so soon without the help of Kira. I achieved multiple "yeses” from clients I thought I'd never have the chance to work with and have since, earned income from those very clients. I started working with a major music label just by saying hi & pitching myself. Now that I’ve concluded my work with Kira, I have the tools to guide myself into success and I feel a greater sense of confidence walking in the world.
Kyrstian Green, Creative Director
“I made £10,000 in 90-days and it was just the beginning. I tell everyone I meet to work with Kira. The 90-day goal process will change everything”
Jade Montgomery
“Working with Kira was life-changing! I now know how to create anything, literally anything I want in my life and my business”
I felt really stuck in my life and business before joining the program. I had an idea of who I wanted to be and show up as in life and business but it just felt like an idea and I felt so far away from that person. I also lacked a lot of purpose in what I was doing. My experience working with Kira was life-changing! Every piece of the program was so in-depth and enjoyable. After every morning journaling session, coaching call, or course I felt like a new person! I felt so seen and understood.
My biggest takeaways from this program and something that I now have in my took box is the ability to FEEL and identify my mental blocks, face them and understand that they can be removed and that everything I want, I can create. I now have trust in my abilities and know that I can level up in life and business as long as my MINDSET levels up as well. I would say that if you are within Kira's orbit and you have any mental blocks - you are in the right place. I would also say that to successfully complete Kira's program you need to lean in and be open and honest about how you are feeling, what your thoughts are and where you're at. Because everyyyything needs to be out on the table in order for this to work.
Tasha Dobie, Branding and Website Designer
7-day cooling off period after you sign your contract for a full refund.
As you go through this program, I understand that your personal circumstances may change. In the unfortunate event of job loss, family bereavement, illness, or other challenging situations, clients have the option to stop, pause or cancel the program.
Each session is highly curated around your specific situation and goal. Some sessions you’ll be asked to complete a specific work book or journaling challenge. Others, during our session we’ll create a plan for pitching, selling or launching. You’ll try something out in the world, and bring your results to your next session. We’ll evaluate what’s working and why, and what hasn’t worked and how to shift your fails to a win.
Perhaps you’re a coach, virtual assistant, lawyer, consultant or marketer and you’re wanting to develop your confidence job or your own practice. You’re in the right place.
Or you work a 9-5 and want to continue to do so but without the nagging imposter syndrome. You’re in the right place too!
There are some exceptions to clients that won’t benefit from this program, but I recommend exploring this during your consultation
For the most part, we’ll talk about anything and everything as it pertains to achieving your goals. Clients can be quite suprised that a memory from them being 9 years old in the classroom has anything to do wth the way they’re showing on in Instagram in 2023.
To support your well-being there are some topics that may be appropriate for qualified mental health practitioners. If this becomes appropriate I’ll refer you to the right people
consultations are 30-minute conversations about your ambitions and the challenges that are currently stopping you from getting there. We’ll answer you questions about call times, and special circumstances. There’s no pressure to sign up on the call.
Getting started:
Step 1.
Sign up for a consultation call. We’ll answer all your question and map out what your challenges are, and how to reach your big ambitions. After the call, I’ll send over a client contract.
Step 2
Based on your schedule we’ll set a time for your weekly calls and set a start date
Step 3
I'll teach you the 90-day goal process. Through weekly coaching sessions, you'll transform your mindset and leave feeling unstoppable, confident. You’ll run experiments in your business and bring your results back to the session for evaluation. You’ll feel supported knowing you have a safe space to turn the ideas on your vision board into a reality
Learn how to master your mindset, and build unshakeable confidence, and be the you you’ve imagined on your vision board
About your coach
Author of the Sell-out 90-day Future Self Journal, and host of the No Room for Doubt Podcast, a show that’s been downloaded 21,000 times, Kira is passionate about helping people unlock their most confident selves so they can achieve the bucket-list dreams they once considered impossible.
Her fun, high-vibe energy is a hallmark of her practical and results-focused approach to coaching that combines neuroscience and law of attraction concepts with real-life applications. Her work has been featured in Dazed, the Evening Standard, SHOWstudio, and she is renowned for debunking the myths surrounding manifesting.
Passionate about social justice, Kira is also a coach in Coach Hood, a social impact organization making coaching accessible to young people who otherwise wouldn't have access.
Prior to starting coaching in 2020, Kira worked in fashion styling after completing her degree in fashion design - a field she once considered her dream career - and has worked with the likes of Asos, Paul Smith, ES Style, Dazed Magazine and Adidas.