Client Success Stories
My clients started exactly where you are. Doubting whether their creative products or services were worth paying for, lacking the confidence they needed to promote their businesses online and wondering when all the success they were seeing on Instagram would happen for them. Below is a glimpse of what they've been able to achieve as a result of deciding to go all in on their goals.
“I lacked confidence and was stuck in a rut- joining this program is hands down the best decision I have ever made in my life”
“I was quite literally stuck in a rut! I knew vaguely what I wanted to achieve in about 70 million years (that's what it felt like it would take), but I had no idea how to achieve it (I didn't even class this as a goal because it felt so unachievable) lol! In my personal life, I was kind of unhappy, I had no confidence, I was hating on my day job and all I could see around me in the small business world was success. I wanted this for myself so that I could become happy (and give up some days at my full-time job)
My biggest challenges and struggles revolved around having such a lack of confidence and not being able to show up, even in situations with my own friends. I didn't believe that I could achieve the things that I wanted to achieve and I didn't feel like my life or business had much direction, I couldn't focus on tasks or prioritise what I needed to so I could achieve my goals But my experience in this program was incredible! Honestly LIFE CHANGING!
This is hands down the best decision I have ever made in my life, it's not only completely changed me in regards to my business but also my personal life. Gaining confidence from my experience with Kira has enabled me to do so many things - a sample sale, rebrand, a launch, to show up on Instagram, make reels including being in them (who'd have thought it! Not me!) make snap decisions, doubled my social media following, hit my 250 customers sales goal and my business has grown so much from doing that.
What would you say to someone who is considering signing up for the program?
“Don't think twice about it! It is the best decision I have ever made in my life and I cannot speak more highly of Kira. It's empowering, thought-provoking and hits you with some home truths that you'll need to hear. Every single session bettered me and my business.”
Jess Cooke, Founder of Proper Vacant
“Investing in yourself is the best thing you’ll ever do - I’m still reaping the benefits of working together, and we finished 6 months ago”
Maria Joannou, Lawyer

"I thought I wanted to join Stuck to Unstoppable for business goals but I realised that I had a few fundamental mindset adjustments that I wanted to make first. I had faced a couple of rejections that knocked me down and was apprehensive about getting back up again. The company that I really enjoyed working for at the time was closing down and I knew that my very next goal would be to find a new job. But not just any job - one that I loved and was suited to! Working with Kira is like an endorphin-fueled workout followed by a spa... for your mind! I always experience a natural high after a workout session which is exactly how I felt after each session with Kira.
I'm also reaping the long-term rewards of the work we did together!I have many takeaways from my experience but one of my favourites is around the concept of "failure". "Failing" is something that happens to all of us, all of the time! Instead of letting it be something that just happens to me or something that I perceive as scary, I've learnt to build failure into my experience as a way of optimising for results! I was able to secure a job that I'm really excited about! My annual salary has increased too. Investing in yourself is the best thing you'll ever do - after all, you're the one in charge of your life. I would suggest going with an open heart and mind. Working with any coach or mentor is a journey and you'll discover and collect hidden gems along the way. I would 100% recommend working with Kira. My experience was truly excellent!”
Maria Joannou, Lawyer
“Working with Kira was life-changing! I now know how to create anything, literally anything I want in my life and my business”
"I felt really stuck in my life and business before joining the program. I had an idea of who I wanted to be and show up as in life and business but it just felt like an idea and I felt so far away from that person. I also lacked a lot of purpose in what I was doing. My experience working with Kira was life-changing! Every piece of the program was so in-depth and enjoyable. After every morning journaling session, coaching call, or course I felt like a new person! I felt so seen and understood.
My biggest takeaways from this program and something that I now have in my took box is the ability to FEEL and identify my mental blocks, face them and understand that they can be removed and that everything I want, I can create. I now have trust in my abilities and know that I can level up in life and business as long as my MINDSET levels up as well. I would say that if you are within Kira's orbit and you have any mental blocks - you are in the right place. I would also say that to successfully complete Kira's program you need to lean in and be open and honest about how you are feeling, what your thoughts are and where you're at. Because everyyyything needs to be out on the table in order for this to work. It requires a lot of work - but is so worth it!”
Tasha Dobie, Website and Brand Designer
“I made £10,000 in 90-days and it was just the beginning. I tell everyone I meet to work with Kira. The 90-day goal process will change everything”
Jade Montgomery, Creative Producer
“I've read many self-help books, listened to podcast and joined groups but for whatever reason, they didn't stick…my work with Kira was different”
I've read many self-help books, listened to podcast and joined groups but for whatever reason, they didn't stick. My work with Kira has etched a place in my heart that I feel confident will touch lifetimes of people who I cross paths with. She has a power and light that can't be bought or sold. Kira is truly one of one.
For anyone thinking of joining I’d tell them about the 6 year long season of life I experienced before working with Kira. And how pulling the plug to join this program changed me in 6 month period. The proof is in the pudding!
First and foremost, I achieved a greater sense of clarity, direction and conviction in myself- all things I'm not sure I would have arrived to so soon without the help of Kira. I achieved multiple "yeses” from clients I thought I'd never have the chance to work with and have since, earned income from those very clients. I started working with a major music label just by saying hi & pitching myself. Now that I’ve concluded my work with Kira, I have the tools to guide myself into success and I feel a greater sense of confidence walking in the world.
Kyrstian Green, Creative Director