Goal Guide: How to get consistent clients every month of 2024

I asked my audience to send me their impossible goals and in this series I’m going to be breaking down those goals so you can know exactly what to focus on if this is your goal too.

Raise your hand it getting clients every month sounds like your thing? If you’ve been experiencing lots of false starts, people enquiring and then ghosting, it can feel like creating consistency can feel like a huge challenge to overcome. Follow along as I share what I’ve done for myself and for one of my clients who had this goal too.

But first, some context: In 2023 my revenue increased by 50% (YAY) it’s safe to say I learnt a thing or two about what it takes to have a business that is consistently creating clients, month after month. So lets dive in...

First things first: Sell a fucking good product

How do you know your product or service is good? Here’s a couple of questions to review

  • What percentage of your business is based on repeat customers or referrals? and why?

  • How does it feel when you work with your clients? Are you drained and frustrated or aligned and excited?

  • Is your main focus your success and comfort or the success and ease of your clients?

People don’t recommend films they don’t like and they don’t recommend services they didn’t find “worth” it. When your customers refer you to their friends, it’s doing some of the heavy lifting of marketing and sales for you. Focus on loving on your current clients and become masterful at the “client experience” rather than your creative skill

Don’t try and solve a sales and marketing problem with a “design” solution

If I had a £1 for every time I heard someone say they weren’t selling well so they redesigned their product or service...let’s just say I’d be in Mexico right now. Creatives love to Create. I get it. Being in the studio is your happy place. You love Figma. You love Pinterest. You love sewing and oh, look at this cool thing you just illustrated using charcoal. When sales get hard most creatives want to go and do what is easy - creating. However, this doesn’t solve the problem that people don’t know who you are and they’re not inspired to sign up. If your goal is to create more clients, commit to learning exactly how to do that this year. Read books on sales, go to workshops to develop your weak points, network with other creatives about it. Make 2024 the year you master how to sell your creativity

Your future clients want connection and they’re craving it with you

If you use consultation sessions in your sales process, it should touch on the PERSONAL and EMOTIONAL challenges behind why your customer is wanting to buy. If they’ve booked a call you don’t need to prove why your website/design/styling/interior services are great, that’s what your social content will show them. On a call, your perspective client wants to know that you deeply understand their emotional world. Do you know how much they cringe every time they show someone their logo? What do they miss out on when they spend sleepless nights worrying about captions? Are you interested in why they want to or a custom cushion with their dogs face on it? Design your sales call to reveal these curiosities about your client and remove the fluff like what colours they want etc.

Your ego won’t like this, but Assume the problem is you

Review every consultation and inquiry you have. When things go wrong your going to want to blame your prospective client for the reason you didn’t close the sale. They weren’t ready. They didn’t have enough money. They wasn’t sure what they wanted. It was a busy time for them. The truth is, if you want to create more yeses, you have to own and deeply understand why you’re receiving no’s. If a client tells you that they’re too busy to work with you right now, explore how you may have presented the service in an overwhelming way. Did the language you used make it sound big, and heavy or did it sound straightforward and exciting? Do this after every call so the next time you have a prospect in a similar position you’ll know how to what you do is the best fit for your client and their ultimate goals

Your clients aren’t just on iG they have real lives too

I’ve created clients while out rollerskating, in the line for coffee, on the Victoria line, at live events and talks, not because I was looking for them but because I know how to talk about my work IRL. Practice confidently talking about what you do. Offer your help where you see opportunities that make sense. Tell people about what you’re working on and what your goals are. Make new friends. Hang out some where new. Talk to strangers. You have no idea where it could lead When you meet someone who mentions they’re interested in what you do, make sure you follow up with them just as you would if someone DM’d you

My brand new day (well, it’s half a day) workshop is coming to take the big goals you’ve got for this year and turn them into an achievable action plan that you actually complete. But there’s a twist, no one leaves until every ones idea been has fully fleshed out, no detail unturned. No question unanswered. No one gets left behind. You’ll feel supported by the room for investing in your mission, as well a grow in confidence as you share your talents filling in the knowledge gaps that other people might be missing

What we’ll dive into

  • What is an impossible goal and how the hell do you achieve one?

  • Why it feels like your inner critic always wins + overcoming self sabotage

  • How to create a vision for 2024-2025

  • How to Sell your work and build a community about your business

  • Building your plan for the next 90-days

Grab your ticket here and join us online or in London


Goal Guide: How to grow your business online and move to Bali


How to reverse engineer your 2024 goal